For Anesthesia

For realizing
Truly Friendly

We provide products used for performing local anesthesia.
From single items such as injection syringes and puncture needles to kits containing items indispensable for anesthetic procedures, we manufacture and supply various products to meet the demands of practitioners.

01LOR syringes

Glass syringes used in epidural anesthesia by the LOR (loss of resistance) technique.
They have been elaborated to an accuracy within 1/1,000 mm to ensure stability of the procedure.

02Epidural anesthesia needles

We offer needles to be inserted into the epidural space for injecting anesthetic agents.

03Spinal subarachnoid anesthesia needles

We offer needles to be inserted into the subarachnoid space for injecting anesthetic agents.

04Anesthesia kits

Items needed for epidural or spinal subarachnoid anesthesia are bundled into kits to support quick and easy performance of procedures.


For inquiries regarding product support,
please contact here.
